In the 1920's a massive law became known all throughout the U.S. This massive law became known as
The Prohibition law, which restricted the sale or use of any alcoholic beverage or liquor. This law was mostly decided, in the midst of the American dream, and in that dream, people did not see alcoholic abuse anywhere close to it. The American Dream simply portrayed the stay-at-home-mother with dinner on the stove when her hard-working spouse stepped through the threshold, the children at play, a nice stable job with a stable salary, all under a roof hidden in the middle of suburbia, behind a white-picket fence.
However, even though the somewhat perfect view on the American Dream seemed so innocent and spectacular, the Roaring Twenties said otherwise. It seemed so harmless to Flappers and people alike that alcohol just made things a little less tense, and a little less stressful. They thought that so much, to the point where people such as Bootleggers began sneaking in alcohol under their garments, and into speakeasies witch served as a popular venues for these creatures of the night. These ladies and gentlemen had also attached flasks to their hip, in case of any quick-swig emergency! The American Dream was for some, yes, but for others such as flappers did not suit well with the fact that yet another law was being passed to prohibit free rights, especially for new and improved, smoking, drinking, parting woman.
To me, the use of alcohol has caused many deaths and celebrations, so, there are both good and bad sides of liquor. What do you think? Was prohibition a win or lose for Americans?