Selfishness! What a terrible quality, right? Well- some possess this quality, and yet they don't even know it! There is all different types of this, but really- all fall under the category of rudeness.. As you can probably tell- I'm not very fond of people of the selfish type. I admit, just like everyone should, i might sometimes take a little too much just for i, or that sometimes i don't do something that i should, But tha
t is just because everyone is not perfect. But, you
can always strive to be!Anyways, I'm not just here to ridicule, but i do have a "method to my madness," as my Mom likes to say. In The Great Gatsby, several characters show the unfavorable quality of being selfish. For instance, Tom Buchanan doesn't have the guts to tell his wife, Daisy Buchanan, That he doesn't love her, and never have. And instead he is having
g an affair with another woman across town named Myrtle. This might just seem as if he is committing the sin of Adultery, but when you actually think about it, he is being selfish! Selfish in saying that he doesn't have the courage to stand up to his wife, and tell her the truth, just for the benefit of him getting the adrenaline of going behind his wife's back, and for the fact that, if Tom did ever tell his wife about Myrtle, she would be INCREDIBLY hurt! But that is only one little example.
If you watch The Great Gatsby, or get a chance to read it, you will find that there are plenty of people who show selfishness. I know the typical answer would be that selfishness is a sin, but Why else Do you think that being selfish is bad?